Screen burn-in is quite base in plasma Tvs since they are phosphor based display systems. This is because, the physical properties of the phosphors tend to get affected by attributes such as light and electric impulse. As a result of this, plasma Tvs are highly sensitive to image retention. This problem occurs due to an uneven wear of the phosphors in the display and can very much distort the pictures. Screen burn-in in a plasma Tv screen will make the areas of the screen that are lighted the least appear brighter when compared to the parts that admittedly displayed a intelligent image. The result of this is an apparent after-image.

So, pictures have to be viewed with a lot of strain and a great deal of attention as the former image tends to get overridden by the burn-in. When one is watching performance movies or playing high definition video games wherein certain images are stationary for quite some time, the first image in the sequence gets burnt-in leaving the images that result glazed over.
Plasma Review
If an image is displayed in the screen for a long duration of time, the pixels tend to get burnt in to the screen, which makes them deprived of their optic effects as well as originality. Therefore, one should switch off the Tv's power when not in use. While non-operation, the pixels of a plasma Tv will not work, thus preventing the burn-in effect. This way, you can also enlarge the life of the appliance.
It's true that screen burn-in problems were known to have affected the execution of plasma Tvs to a great extent in the past. But the issue is becoming less of a problem in the more new models as manufacturers have advanced a lot of new technologies that deal with the problem effectively. For example, the 'motion-adaptive technique' shifts all the pixels to the minutest of degrees such that screen burn-in is prevented significantly. certain top manufacturers also make use of 'grey masking' to combat burn-in issues.
Some plasma Tvs come with 'white screen' options, which can get rid of screen burn-in problems to a certain extent. There are a collection of other features also, which when efficiently controlled can sell out burning in effects as well as result in high capability images. For example, if the Tv's unlikeness and radiance are reduced when the set is new, it can do us good in two ways - the pictures will be enhanced and the pixels will work far better. You can also turn on the screen saver feature of your Dvd player, switch channels constantly and avoid continuous viewing of programmes that constantly display non-transparent logos to save your costly plasma Tv from screen burn-in issues.
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